Die Stiftung HEKS - Organisation
Karin Desmarowitz
About us

The HEKS/EPER Foundation


HEKS/EPER became a non-profit foundation in 2004, with its headquarters in Zurich. Its supreme body is the Board of Trustees, which tasks the Executive Board with operational management. The Board is supported by the Heads of the Branch Offices.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees comprises 10 members, of whom one is appointed by the Protestant Church in Switzerland (PCS), while the remaining members and the President are elected by the EKS Synod. The term of office is four years. The Board of Trustees ensures that the strategic aims are pursued by HEKS/EPER in a sustainable and appropriate manner, and in communion with the PCS and its member churches. The Board of Trustees currently comprises five women and five men.

Board of Trustee Members

Personen am Sitzungstisch

Executive Board

The HEKS/EPER Executive Board comprises the Offices of the Director and Deputy Director and the Heads of the National, Global Cooperation, Communications & Mobilization and Services Divisions. The Executive Board is responsible for all management-related operational matters that fall outside the purview of the Board of Trustees.

Members of the Management

Personen am Sitzungstisch
Ester Unterfinger

Heads of Department and Branch Offices

The Departemental Heads and Heads of Branch Offices are assigned to the four divisions, namely the Global Cooperation, Switzerland, Communication & Mobilization and Services Divisions. The six Branch Office heads within the Switzerland Division are responsible for the programme work in the regions of Aargau/Solothurn, Basel, Berne, Eastern Switzerland, Zurich/Schaffhausen and Romandie.


Heads of Department and Branch Offices

Veronique Hoegger


1354 people were permanently employed by HEKS/EPER in 2023 in Switzerland and abroad. Besides, HEKS/EPER trains commercial apprentices and provides various internships. Numerous people do volunteer work.

HEKS-Mitarbeitende im Gespräch
Karin Desmarowitz

Control Committee

The Control Committee is appointed by the Board of Trustees. It prepares reports for submission to the Board of Trustees, it raises questions, points to critical issues and makes recommendations. The current members of the Control Committee are: Regula Heinzer Wäspi (president), Olivier Chédel, Susanne Stamm, Caroline Staub.

Download Commission Report


Organization chart