Emergency aid in the remote areas of North and South Kivu
The eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is enduring one of the world’s longest and most complex humanitarian crises. Ongoing conflicts between non-state armed groups and the Congolese army are severely affecting the civilian population, especially in North and South Kivu and Maniema. In response, HEKS is providing emergency relief to vulnerable communities and ensuring the delivery of aid to hard-to-reach, conflict-affected areas to address their most urgent needs. The assistance focuses on providing access to clean water, hygiene, sanitation, and supporting the resumption of agricultural activities.
The people affected by these conflicts live in remote areas that are difficult to access due to poor or impassable roads. Isolated from urban centers, basic services, and essential supplies, they face urgent and diverse needs for shelter, food, clean water, hygiene, healthcare, protection, sanitation, and education. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates that 25.4 million people will require humanitarian assistance in 2024. Additionally, the International Organization for Migration reports that there are over 6.9 million displaced persons in the country, most of them concentrated in the east.
HEKS's mission in the DRC is to facilitate access for humanitarian actors to affected communities while providing both urgent and long-term support. When conflicts, natural disasters, or epidemics occur, rapid needs assessments are conducted to ensure appropriate aid. These findings are shared with the broader humanitarian community to mobilize all available resources and efforts. HEKS provides immediate assistance through the distribution of emergency aid packages and cash to the most vulnerable. After this initial response, more sustainable activities, known as post-emergency aid, are implemented, including road repairs, the resumption of agricultural production, and improved access to water, hygiene, and sanitation.
HEKS receives financial support from the European Union (Directorate-General for Civil Protection and European Humanitarian Aid - DG ECHO), the United States Agency for International Development's Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance (USAID-BHA), the Humanitarian Fund of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (FH RDC) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to successfully carry out its activities.
Continuous monitoring of the situation
HEKS maintains continuous humanitarian monitoring of conflicts, population displacements, and epidemics in the region. Through regular contact with key actors, it ensures access to reliable, real-time information. This role is made possible by the neutral stance that HEKS has consistently upheld locally. The activities carried out since 2019, along with the daily interactions between HEKS teams and local communities, have fostered trust and acceptance of its projects among both state and non-state actors.
When an event occurs, the field team immediately raises an alarm, conducting a rapid assessment of the population’s needs within a few days. The assessment is then shared with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to mobilize all humanitarian actors and enhance coordination among efforts. Once the alert and needs are communicated, HEKS teams intervene from strategically located bases in North and South Kivu, as well as Maniema. Pre-positioned emergency supplies at these bases can be swiftly delivered to those in need.
Provision of emergency aid
HEKS's emergency aid primarily involves distributing hygiene kits and providing unconditional monetary assistance in areas where alerts have been issued. This support targets displaced persons, returnees, and host communities. The distributed hygiene kits contain soap, jerry cans for water transport, washable sanitary towels, and underwear. The cash assistance is extended to all individuals affected by the conflict, without any conditions or distinctions, allowing them to purchase food and other essential items for their families. If conditions allow, HEKS also organizes "food fairs" to further support the community.
Last Update: October 2024