The «United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas» (UNDROP)

Peasants, fishers, pastoralists and other people working in rural areas play a critical role in ensuring worldwide food security.


Die Welt sagt Ja zu den Rechten von Kleinbauern – jetzt müssen den Worten Taten folgen
Christian Bobst

Yet they face various forms of discrimination – in many countries they are hardly supported. Instead, the growing industrialization and standardization of agriculture is making it ever more difficult for them to access land, water or traditional seeds or is even denying them such access. They are also the ones most vulnerable to the disastrous consequences of climate change. Many suffer from hunger and poverty.

The world community has recognized the problems and decided that the rural population must be better protected. In the 28 articles of the Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas (UNDROP), it sets out the most important rights of peasants worldwide. They include, for example, the right to land, water, seeds, agro-ecological forms of production, an intact world or the right to make independent decisions regarding their own economic goals and their nutrition.

Full text of the Declaration