After more than two years of war, the future of millions of Ukrainians is still uncertain: they live as displaced persons in their own country or as refugees in one of the neighbouring countries. In order to be able to respond as quickly and simply as possible to the very different needs of these people, HEKS/EPER has applied the "Survivor and Community-led Response" (sclr) to supplement its emergency aid in the region. As part of the sclr programmes, HEKS/EPER supports a wide range of self-help initiatives developed and supported by those affected - refugees and internally displaced Ukrainians or their host communities.
Partnering with Christian Aid and the Local to Global Protection Initiative, who developed the approach and continue spearheading its promotion, allowed HEKS/EPER to build on experiences from different countries and to empower affected communities as first responders.
«Don’t Close your Eyes - Finding peace together», 2024, Ukraine, 55 minutes
Director: Rahel Grunder / Production: HEKS