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Nothilfe für Geflüchtete, intern Vertriebene und vom Erdbebenbetroffene
Emergency aid for refugees and internally displaced persons
Nothilfe Israel/Palästina Gazastreifen
War in Israel/Palestine
HEKS/EPER supports suffering civilians
HEKS leistet Nothilfe in Syrien für vom Erdbeben betroffene Menschen
Emergency aid in Syria
Support those affected by the earthquake disaster
Menschen in der Ukraine helfen
Help for Ukraine
Emergency aid for the people on the ground & in Switzerland
The Contreras Family struggles to have basic access to water, gas and food. As both parents are unemployed, they survive on the food box from the government, which is completely insufficient (La Pastora, at Altos de Lidice community in Caracas).
Humanitarian aid in Venezuela
Humanitarian aid for vulnerable people in Venezuela
Kinder auf den Strassen von Beirut schützen
Emergency Aid in Lebanon
HEKS/EPER supports the population in need in Lebanon
Grossbrand im Flüchtlingscamp - Helfen Sie den Rohingya-Flüchtlingen in Bangladesch
Humanitarian Aid in Bangladesh
Adressing the needs of Rohingya and the Host Community
HEKS Angebot: Wohnbegleitung
Supervised living

In the Cantons of Aargau, Basel City and Rural Basel, the «HEKS-Wohnen» programme assists people who are homeless or facing a life crisis in coping as best they can with daily life and leading an autonomous life.

Die unter Dürre leidenden Menschen brauchen Ihre Unterstützung. Dürre in Ostafrika
Emergency Aid
Emergency aid for people in need in East Africa