In February 2023, four residents of Pari Island in Indonesia filed a lawsuit against the Swiss cement corporation Holcim over its share of responsibility for the climate crisis. At Holcim's request, preliminary procedural matters are now being clarified. In this way, Holcim is delaying a court ruling on its climate strategy and its responsibility as a carbon major, possibly by several years. HEKS/EPER will address Holcim's climate responsibility at the Group's Annual General Meeting in Zug tomorrow.
Controversial carbon offset project in Sierra Leone
The trade in carbon credits has become a lucrative business in recent years. In the West African country of Sierra Leone, international investors are planning large-scale tree plantations to be used for carbon offset projects. Yet, an investigation by Swiss Church Aid HEKS/EPER reveals that numerous farming families who own the land have apparently not agreed to the project in the manner prescribed by law.
HEKS/EPER expands emergency aid and development programmes
Away from the headlines, the Caribbean state of Haiti is threatening to sink into chaos once and for all. The country, which is one of the poorest in the world, has been repeatedly hit by devastating natural disasters in recent years. And ongoing political unrest and civil war-like conditions with gang violence have plunged the country into an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. HEKS/EPER is therefore continuing to expand its emergency aid and development programmes for the suffering civilian population in Grand' Anse.
Karolina Frischkopf takes up post as HEKS Director
On 1 March Karolina Frischkopf took up her new post as Director of HEKS/EPER. She is the first woman to head the organisation in its almost 80-year history.
Death of HEKS/EPER staff in Ukraine caused by drone attacks
On February 1st, 2024, a team of HEKS/EPER staff was attacked while on a mission to assess the humanitarian situation in southeastern Ukraine. Tragically, two staff members lost their lives, and four were injured. An investigation of the incident shows that the deliberate attack was carried out by drones.
The humanitarian situation is becoming increasingly dramatic
The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is becoming increasingly desperate: people are starving and the medical services are collapsing. Rapid aid is vital for those affected. But despite the great need, it cannot be adequately financed at present. HEKS is therefore urgently dependent on further donations.
In October, the Zug Cantonal Court approved the request of Asmania, Arif, Bobby and Edi for legal aid. For the four plaintiffs, this is an important interim step in the continuation of the proceedings against the Zug-based Holcim AG.
HEKS/EPER has decided to close its country office in Kirkuk at the end of August 2023 and to end its humanitarian commitment and its own projects in Iraq.