Our publications
Are you looking for more than just short fodder? Key topics, basic documents, annual reports and more? Here you will find all our publications in one compact location for downloading or ordering.
‘Handeln’ / ‘Agir’ is published four times a year, in German and French. The current print run is 49,000 copies. Donors receive the magazine by post. The subscription fee of CHF 10 per year is automatically deducted from your donation. You can find the latest issues here.
Photo reportages
Topic dossiers and studies
Here you will find in-depth background information, position papers and studies on our key topics that are directly related to our work as a development organisation. The aim is to get to the bottom of complex issues and uncover problems - both in the South and in Switzerland. These detailed analyses help to identify the need for action and develop solutions.
Fundamental documents
Annual reports
In their annual reports, HEKS and Bread for All show what your donation achieves - with numerous reports on the most important activities of the year, reports on selected projects and many other interesting facts and figures. Find out more about the successes and challenges of HEKS and Bread for All.