Referendum of 13 June 2021

A regrettable «No», which compounds the climate crisis and weakens Switzerland

The Climate Alliance regrets the narrow defeat of the revised CO2 law. The oil lobby and the SVP triumphed today by making extensive use of false assertions. What is needed now is a broad coalition of the willing to set Switzerland on a climate-friendly path.

«For Switzerland and the people in the Global South, waiting is becoming risky and costly. Today’s rejection of the CO2 law is not a “no” to the urgency of the climate crisis, but a “yes” to a more understandable and effective climate policy for all», says Yvonne Winteler, Co-Chair of the Climate Alliance, adding: «We bear the responsibility for an effective climate policy - including for future generations».
The CO2 law is a balanced proposal that encompasses almost all sectors. The close voting result is the outcome of an aggressive campaign by the oil lobby. The negative vote was obtained by deploying extreme examples, false information and in some cases, even using fake senders.
HEKS Schwerpunkt Katastrophen, Klima, Umwelt
Corina Flühmann

Thanks to volunteers


The Climate Alliance is grateful to all volunteers, groups and organisations that have fought for the important cause. More than ever, the advancing climate crisis now requires quick and effective action so that Switzerland can do its part to avert dangerous climate warming and honour its obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement. Rapid and effective emission reductions are still needed in the realms of transport, buildings and in the financial sector, and must be devised in an understandable and climate-friendly-manner.

It is now time to form a coalition with broad popular support comprising civil society organisations, communes, cantons and sustainable enterprises. Those who opposed the law must now be judged by the primacy of individual responsibility and held legally liable, as in the case of Shell.

«The time to act is running out. The broad coalition behind this referendum must now stand up for consistent climate protection, as a matter of urgency», says Christian Lüthi, Director of the Climate Alliance. The next climate policy measures must address Switzerland's financial centre, aviation and imported emissions, among other things. «Against this backdrop, the Climate Alliance is already examining the launch of a popular initiative for a climate-friendly financial centre».


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