Krieg in der Ukraine: HEKS leistet Nothilfe vor Ort und in den Nachbarländern
Help for Ukraine

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Help for Ukraine. Donate now towards relief supplies there and aid for displaced persons

HEKS/EPER is currently providing humanitarian relief worth 12 million Swiss francs annually to assist people affected by the war in Ukraine and to support others who have fled to neighbouring countries and also to Switzerland.

In Ukraine: protection for the war-wounded

Through a team working locally, HEKS/EPER is providing humanitarian aid to alleviate the plight of people in the towns and areas in southern and eastern Ukraine worst affected by the war. Together with its long-standing partners in western Ukraine, HEKS/EPER is also assisting especially vulnerable people who are unable or unwilling to leave the country. 



Essensverteilung in Kharkiv
Andràs D. Hajdù

In neighbouring countries: welcoming and integrating displaced persons

HEKS/EPER is also present in the neighbouring countries of Romania, Hungary and the Republic of Moldova. HEKS/EPER partner organisations provide various forms of relief for the people who have fled to those countries and work actively to ensure that displaced people and their host communities can live harmoniously together. 


HEKS leistet Nothilfe in den Nachbarländern
HEKS/András D. Hajdú

In Switzerland: offering protection and promoting integration

In Switzerland, HEKS/EPER has been assisting Ukrainian refugees with language courses and social and professional integration programmes to ease their arrival in Switzerland, help them develop future prospects and build a new life here. 


Last Update: August 2024
Ukranische Flücht

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