Nothilfe Ukraine Moldau
Andras D.Hajdu
War in Ukraine

Emergency aid in neighbouring countries

Emergency aid in neighbouring countries

HEKS/EPER is present and assisting displaced people through its partner organisations in Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Moldova.


Survival aid and prevention for Ukrainian refugees

In northern Moldova, vouchers were distributed to refugees to enable them to meet basic needs in terms of food and non-food products. Ukrainian children were given tablets to provide access to online education. Over 10,000 refugees received legal advice and access to key information, and 136 public officials received training on refugees’ rights.   

HEKS/EPER is providing nationwide financial support for initiatives that are planned and implemented directly by local municipalities. The aim is to respond to the needs identified by the communities (both of refugees and vulnerable Moldovan people) and to strengthen their capacities and autonomy, as part of which project management training is also being provided. 

HEKS/EPER is concerned about sexual violence committed in the context of refugee reception. A Moldovan partner organisation holds information events to raise awareness amongst refugees and members of the local communities about gender-specific violence and possible legal action, while individual legal advice is also provided. The prevention and combatting of human trafficking are also on the agenda.

Fotoreportage: Neustart im Nachbarland
Photo reportage from Moldova
Starting over in a neighbouring country


Aid for Ukrainian refugees and integration programme

In Hungary, HEKS/EPER is supporting – together with its partner the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid (HRCA) – an integration programme for the most vulnerable refugees. The programme is based on an individual case management approach to meet basic needs (medical and psychological care, accommodation and referral to public services). Support is also provided to help children integrate into the local school system and adults to obtain required qualifications and have existing ones recognised. This improves access to the labour market. 

HEKS/EPER provides financial support for initiatives that are planned and implemented by local municipalities in Budapest and — in the eastern part of the country — by local Ukrainian initiative groups and host communities. These initiatives reflect HEKS/EPER’s wide-ranging approach as they aim to meet the many different needs of the Ukrainian community, covering education, wellbeing, mental health, integration into the community and cultural activities. 

A combined integration programme for Ukrainian refugees and people with international protection status is being launched.

Nothilfe in Ungarn_Ukraine
Andras D. Hajdu


Aid for the integration of Ukrainian refugees

HEKS/EPER efforts in Romania focus on the education and occupational integration of Ukrainians and support for community initiatives that aim to strengthen the resilience, autonomy and integration of refugees into Romanian society.  

For example, Ukrainians have access to job forums, employment advice, guidance and intermediary services and language courses. The recognition of their qualifications has been simplified. The issue of preventing labour exploitation and other challenges facing refugees are also being addressed. 
HEKS/EPER also provides financial support for initiatives planned and implemented directly by municipalities throughout the country. The aim is to address the needs of refugees and the vulnerable Romanian population identified by the communities themselves and to strengthen the capacities and autonomy of the communities. Project management training is also provided for this purpose. The initiatives are part of HEKS/EPER’s wide-ranging approach, which aims to meet the various needs of the Ukrainian community in Romania, covering education, welfare, mental health, integration into the community and cultural activities.


Last update: August 2024 



Junge Frau mit Kapuze vor Schule
Andras D. Hajdu

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